Basic Account

This account has the broadest set of collateral types, but with it more conservative Loan-to-Values ("LTVs") and Liquidation thresholds.

The following LTVs may are likely to change prior to Mainnet. These have been set somewhat aggressively, and may be updated prior to Mainnet. We'll communicate this on our various channels when or if such changes occur.

Basic Tokens

Deposit Tokens

These are vanilla, deposit-like tokens where tokens are deposited, or staked in exchange for a yield. These tokens, risk-wise, trade as a haircut to the Basic Tokens above. For example, if ETH's LTV is 75% and the Haircut is 5%, then this gives a Haircut Discount Factor (HDF) of (100%-5%) = 95%, and so the corresponding LTV metric is: 75% x (100%-5%) = 75% x (95%) = 71.25%.

Accepted Currencies: USDT, USDC, DAI, ETH, WBTC

Complex Tokens

These are any other tokens where the underlying is deemed structured, or complex.

Accepted Currencies: USDT, USDC, DAI, ETH, WBTC

Last updated